

In addition to the black walnut and persimmon trees found on Blackberry's 4,200 acres, several other varieties of fruit and nut trees have been planted. Orchards comprised of cherry, apple and crabapple trees are setting their roots in anticipation of fruit production for decades to come. Muscadine grape vines, blueberry bushes and raspberry and blackberry brambles are also growing, and a hazelnut orchard was planted at the beginning of 2008.

This, however, is no ordinary nut orchard. While hazelnuts may form when the saplings mature, they are bound to be overshadowed by what is being cultivated on their roots—black truffles. Stay tuned to see if fortune strikes in Tennessee at Blackberry Farm. The gestation period for these culinary delights is the better part of a decade, so on future visits to Blackberry Farm, you may just have the opportunity to harvest your own truffle and have it shaved for you at dinner that very night… and served on your farm eggs in the morning!